MEDIMED focuses mainly on Euro-Mediterranean creative projects, with documentary producers and directors developing their own creative projects. The participation of both (director and producer) at the Workshop and Pitching Forum is highly recommended.

All professionals involved in the documentary industry are very welcome to register, whether as an independent producer with a project, a commissioning editor, financier, distributor, sales agent, digital platform, or fund. It is also possible for producers to register for attendance as an observer. The knowledge of English is a condition.

The MEDIMED pass provides access to the three-day Forum for the co-production and co-financing of documentaries, the ANTI PITCH rough cut screenings, and Industry events.
The selection procedure only allows for 250 delegates due to limited venue capacity and the intimate environment provided.

Attending MEDIMED in different capacities

Producers and directors with a selected project are eligible for a MEDIMED Pitching Forum pass. A maximum of two participants per project (preferably the producer and the director who will pitch the project) may attend MEDIMED, and their accreditation is covered with the accreditation fee.
If you are a filmmaker involved with the documentary business, you can apply to attend the event as an observer. Producers who did not submit a project to MEDIMED Pitching Forum are welcome to apply for an observer accreditation. By attending the pitches and listening to the responses of the decision makers, observers get a close insight into the documentary market and can learn more about the preferences and profiles of individual companies, funders, broadcasters, and other industry stakeholders.
Commissioning editors from public or commercial TV stations are welcome to attend MEDIMED Pitching Forum, which gathers some of the most interesting documentary projects currently being developed and produced in the EU and the MENA countries.

Commissioning editors are requested to be present and actively participate in the public pitching sessions as well as sign up for one-on-one meetings with the pitch teams. These follow-up meetings between you and the producers allow you to discuss potential collaboration in a more intimate setting.

Commissioning editors who are already involved in a project selected for MEDIMED Pitching Forum are welcome to pitch their project together with the director and producer.
Financiers and other film professionals are also invited to attend MEDIMED Forum, whether you are working at a film fund, NGO, film institute, digital platform, film festival/market, MEDIA Desk, or other film organizations.
If you are a distributor or sales agent you can also attend MEDIMED. You can participate in the one-on-one meetings.

Are you new to MEDIMED Pitching Forum and interested in attending the next edition as a decision maker?

Please get in touch with the MEDIMED team at medimed@apimed.org to set up a phone call, where we can give you further information about how the market works.

The deadline for accreditation is September 20, 2024.

The organizers reserve the right to accept or reject an application.

Pitching categories

MEDIMED is a unique opportunity to pitch your project to leading professionals in the global documentary industry.

Selected projects will be pitched in three formats: the Speedy pitch, the Pitching Forum and the Anti Pitch especially designed for rough cut projects. Projects are selected for one of these formats depending on their content, finance in place and development phase. In all cases, the project will be presented to industry decision makers who will study them before attending the market.

  • The Speedy Pitch format offers the opportunity to pitch projects to decision makers who have expressed interest in the project.

  • Projects can be in all stages of production.

  • There are no restrictions regarding the amount of financing already in place.

  • Participants get 15 minutes to pitch, including a short trailer or other visual materials (for example: selected scenes) and including the discussion with the decision maker. Usually the pitch is around 5 minutes with another 10 minutes set aside for feedback.

  • Commitment from a broadcaster, film board, or film institute is not required to apply or be selected.

  • Each project will have one-on-one meetings with decision makers interested in the project, pre-arranged by our staff according to their requests.

  • All projects are featured on the MEDIMED website through text and photos.

  • Projects like “Jonathan Agassi Saved My Life” by Tomer Heymann (Heymann Brothers Films, Israel), “Digital Africa” by Bettine Hassen & Elke Sasse (Berlin Producers, Germany) and “Cyborgs Among Us” by Rafel Duran (Media Pro, Spain) were presented in this section in previous years.

  • The Pitching Forum presents a panel of key commissioning editors and is open to all delegates, including potential co-producers and financiers in the audience.

  • Projects can be in all stages of production, except post-production/rough cut stage, having in place a minimum of 25% of their finance and / or a broadcast guarantee or co-production agreement

  • Projects should preferably be presented with a trailer (max. 3 minutes).

  • Commitment from any partners is not required to apply or be selected, but in cases where a broadcaster, film board, or film institute is already on board, their presence at the pitch is highly recommended.

  • Each pitch takes 7 minutes and is followed by a 7 minute Q&A session, during which the decision-makers discuss the project with the producer and financier committed to the film.
    Each project will have one-on-one meetings with commissioning editors interested in it, arranged by the MEDIMED staff.

  • All projects are featured on the MEDIMED website through text and photos.

  • Projects like “The Miracle of the Little Prince” by Marjoleine Boonstra (Pieter van Huystee Film & TV, The Netherlands), “We Could Be Heroes” by Hind Bensari (Bullitt Film, Denmark & Cinetelefilms, Tunisia) and “One Day In Tehran” by Hamid Jafari (Alegría Productions, France) were presented in previous years.

  • The Rough Cut Projects section caters to documentary projects that are in the final stages of production.

  • Offers the opportunity to present your rough cut to a selection of TV buyers, distributors, sales agents and festival programmers.

  • Projects previously pitched at MEDIMED Pitching Forum are encouraged to submit.

  • A minimum of 75% of your material must be shot.

  • Projects need to be looking for buyers, distributors/sales agents, and festivals. Preference is given to projects without a world sales agent.

  • Producers will benefit from one-on-one meetings with decision makers and acquisition delegates already acquainted with their project.

  • All projects are featured on the MEDIMED website through text and photos.

  • Projects like “Boys Who Like Girls” by Inka Achte (Napa Films, Finland), “The Bastard” by Floris-Jan van Luyn (Een van de Jongens, The Netherlands) and “The Other Kids” by Pablo de la Chica (Salon Indien Films, Spain) were presented in this program in previous years


MEDIMED takes place in an informal but calm and pleasant environment, at Hotel Calipolis placed in the heart of the historical site of Sitges. The venue is self-contained so that the “community” is kept together. It is close to the other hotels being used, and happens in a quiet environment in front of the Mediterranean.

Hotel Facade